Activities & attractions in
Adventure park Hvar Jelsa
Activities and attractions in Hvar Adventure park. Paintball, Human table football, Giant boxing, Beach volleyball, Bubble football, Axe throwing, and more things to do in the park.
One of the most popular adrenalin games in the world.
Why you must try it in our park?
Unique forest field with stone shelters
Full equipment provided
Time just for your group
A safe zone in the center of the field!
One of the memories from your vacation you will never forget!
For 12 years one of the most popular things to do in Hvar
For groups 4 or more players
Best for Stag do, team building or just frendly fun.
Minimal Age : 12 years
Min group: 4 players

Great for kids 6+ years
Low-speed paintballs
Choose mini or big field for play
Same fun like normal paintball,just more comfortable
No group? bring it on Kids time 2 times one week in season!
Full equipment provided for better experience
Minimal age: 7 years
Minimal group: 4 players
Shoot your friends with bow and arrows!
Something between paintball and dodgeball.
The new world hit in adrenalin activities!
-Completely safe!
Foam tipped arrows!
One of the most popular Hvar island activities
Be a superhero like Hawkaye, Arrow or Robin Hood :)
Minimal Age: 10 years
Min group: 4 players

Also called Zorbing football
Play football in Zorb balls and have lough all the way!
Play different games
You can book it on football fields around the island Jelsa, Hvar town, Sucuraj, Stari grad etc
This is Hvar newest activity starting in May 2019 ;)
Minimal age: 12 years
Minimal group:8 players
Trampoline 4,3m diameter
Fun for kid's and adults
Also including special competition game for group fun Simple and fun activity for younger kids .
Minimal age: 4 years
Minimal group: 1 playe

-Giant table 6,60 x 3,60 m
Try how is it to play billiard with foot
Footpool is on the list of things to do in Hvar from 2019 ;)
If you are looking at what to do in Hvar for 2-4 people, this is your best bet.
Minimal age: 7 years
Minimal group: 2 players

Part of our Warrior range.
Don't worry, our instructor will show you how to do it. Learn something new in real ambient for axe throwing, Forrest! Great for fun with a little effort on your side. You can also chop us some wood for winter, just kidding :) Or not?
Minimal age: 18 years
Minimal group: 2 players
Giant inflatable 5x5 m 3 m in height.
Two opponents sit on their side of the gill and they are trying to push others down.
The activity is very simple but with many hilarious moments and great falls ;)
At the end its, a bungee jump without a rope, where somebody pushes you to fall.
Completely safe, of course, well, its full of air ;)
Minimal age: 10 years
Minimal group: 2 person

Go karting with pedals for 6-99 years :D
You will enjoy it just drive it around
But you can race in on our forest track!
Fun for kids and adults!
Have a problem with parking in a real car? Well, you can practice with this :D
One of the best activities for kid's on Hvar island.
Minimal age: 6 years
Minimal group: 2 players
Giant gloves for boxing
Full of foam so you can't get hurt
Its like pillow fight:D
The last man who don't give up wins :D
Fight with giant gloves! Simple, but effective activity :)
The goal is to knock out your opponent down or throw him out of the ring.
A fun activity to let your anger out!
You can book it in Hvar Challange program or Adventure time program
Minimal age: 12 years
Minimal group: 2 players

Giant version of table football
From 6-12 players
Great fun for kids and adults
When you start playing, you can't stop :D
Our table fas featured in 2 reality shows, "Ex on the beach" from Poland and "Coach trip" from the UK
It is MUST DO for all groups visiting Hvar island and Jelsa.
Best for all type of groups!
Minimal age: 6 years
Minimal group: 6 players
Rifle guns
Shooting on dropdown targets is like a competition between 2 people. But, it is not just about your precision, it is also important how fast you shoot :) Easy to learn. this program it is included 80 shoots per person!
Minimal Age: 10 years
Minimal players: 2 person

One of the most popular summer sports.
The field is a whole day in shade Forrest!
Enjoy with your friends in relaxing fun and sport!
great way to finish a adrenaline day in our park
Minimal age: 7 years
Minimal group: 4 players
Traditional Hvar and dalmatian game
A simple game where you don t need to run
Just make your big balls close to small ball ;)
Bocce is a competitive game of skill.
It sharpens the reflexes and judgment – and stimulates good fellowship among players.
It is played by young and old alike.
The purpose of the game is to roll the bocce, a 4½ inch ball weighing about three pounds, as close as possible to the pallino, a 1¾ inch ball that is rolled down the alley first.
The boccie comes closest to the Pallino scores. Twelve points constitute a game.
Minimal group: 2 players
Minimal age: 7 years

Try how all that superheroes hit with a bow in target!
Staff will show you how to handle a bow and arrows!
We like big and small changes so we will tell you this is Giant darts game :D
Minimal age:10 years
Minimal group: 2 players
A bit harder to learn, and a bit more dangerous to handle, but the instructor will show you how to safely use it and throw it. In basic, it offers everything like axe throwing, but with more skill to really be good at it! Fun for a Bachelor party or any other group.
Minimal Age: 16 years
Minimal players: 2 person
Book it also in the Warrior range program >>>

Simple, easy to learn, and fun activity for everybody who wants to experience medieval weapons! For modern times, Angry birds are best promoterof slingshot, but everybody also know for biblical story where David kill Goliath with a Slingshot!
Minimal Age: 12 years
Minimal players: 2 person
It is not some fierce weapon or famus, but we all still know they exist. It is super easy to learn to use it. even in real life, they do not do much damage on their own, but, poison we will not give you :)
Minimal Age: 16 years
Minimal players: 2 person

Another type of weapon for shooting dropdown targets- Is a pistol. Include 2x 15 balls per person in this program
Minimal Age: 10 years
Minimal players: 2 person
With sniper, everything is about precision on long-distance targets, and yes, you should have a little bit of skill to shoot great with them, but of course, it is still great fun just to try yourself how is it looking on a target through sniper barrel.
Minimal Age: 10 years
Minimal players: 2 person

Our park can be great one day Hvar excursion from other places.

Other Hvar activities on island outiside our park
On Hvar, you can find many summer activities for fun
Day trips
Bike rentals
Via feratta
And more
Find more info about Things to do in Hvar here