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Hvar town fun and games


Grad Hvar

Neke od aktivnosti Adventure park Hvar Jelsa nudimo iu gradu Hvaru!

Bubble nogomet

Bojno streličarstvo

Borba na škrge

Divovski boks

Možete rezervirati samo Bubble football ili cijeli gradski program Hvara.

Ovaj program aktivnosti je za 20 osoba ili manje!

Ako imate veću grupu, rezervirajte naše programe u Avanturističkom parku Hvar Jelsa ili pogledajte ovdje naše mogućnosti za velike team-building programe na drugim lokacijama!

Pomaknite se prema dolje

Lokacija u gradu Hvaru!

Svoj program aktivnosti možete rezervirati na hvarskom nogometnom igralištu u "Križnoj Luci", 5 metara od plaže i 5 minuta hoda od centra grada Hvara.

Veliko nogometno igralište s umjetnom travom.

Imajte na umu da rezervirate na vrijeme, jer teren mora biti rezerviran za vašu grupu, a naše aktivnosti u Jelsi također moraju biti dostupne.

Min. 48 sati prije za rezervaciju, ali preporučujemo najmanje 2 tjedna prije.

Koje su aktivnosti dostupne?

Bubble football 1 hour

One of the most popular leisure activities for groups, bachelor parties team buildings in the World.

Read here for more about Bubble football


10 zorb balls


Field rental 1 hour

Price: 230 euros for up to 10 people

*The minimal booking is for 10 balls, but you can play it even with 6 players

20 euros for every person above 10.


Bubble football 2 hours 


10 zorb balls


Field rental: 2 hour

Price: 400 euros for up to 10 people

30 euros for every person above 10.

Battle Archery


1 Hour

Inflatable bunkers(zorb balls)

Equipment ( Bow arrows, masks for 10 people


Field rental: 1 hour

Price:250 euros up to 10 people groups

20 euros for every person above 10

Bubble football+Battle Archery


10 zorb balls

Full equipment for 10 people for battle archery


Field rental: 2 hour

Price: 450 euros for up to 10 people

40 euros for every person above 10.


Hvar town full program for small groups!


Included activities

Bubble football

Battle Archery

Fight on the gill

Giant boxing!


Great program for 3 hours of fun

First, you have 1 hour of the Bubble football tournament and other games,

After you play Battle Archery tournament where we use our balls and giant inflatable Fight on the gill-like bunkers to hide

And for the end, you have duels on Fight on the gill and Giant boxing.

Read more about activities here.

Great program for Small groups in Hvar town like Stag do team buildings, clubs, etc.


Included in the program:


Bubble football 1 hour ( 10 balls )


Battle Archery 1 Hour

( 10x Equipment, MaskBow,foam-tipped arrows)


Fight on the gill and Giant boxing for 1 hour

( giant inflatable 6x8mx3 meters -Fight on the gill

Giant gloves for giant boxing )


3 hours of field rental



Price: 620 euros per group

( for groups of up to 10 players)

Extra player 50 euros



For all programs in Hvar town

Min group: 8 person

Max group: 20 person 

Min age: 16 years

Available from 1.6 to 15.9.2023

Min time before booking: 48 hours






Need something else?


Our list of activities in Adventure park Hvar Jelsa is 20 min drive from Hvar town!



Battle Archery

Bubble football

Warrior range


Giant boxing

Human table football

Pedal Go Karts

Fight on the gill

Beach volleyball



Airsoft duel

And more programs and packages!!!




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